Monday 10 November 2014

Module 5: Emerging Technology

     The world has been developing and changing with new technologies. New technologies have been impacting to our society in various ways. Our live have been abundant, fast and easy.  However, new technologies do not give positive effects always. I believe the biggest victim for the new technologies are our environment. We could get a convenience and better lives with new technologies, while our environment have taken ill.  Fossil fuels are almost run out and  we are living in polluted air. Also, most countries are suffering from leak of drinking water.  Many species of animals and plants have been extinct or endanger at this moment.

      As the interest of the environment  has been increasing, eco-friendly technologies are becoming the biggest trend recently.

     The world Economic Forum has selected top 10 new technologies for the coming year, and few new technologies are relative with our environment.

1. Nano-structured Carbon Composites

     This technology and new material will be applied on vehicle manufacture to reduce the weight of cars. This technology can reduce 10 percents or even more than building with traditional materials. Light cars need less fuel and it also contributes to save energy resource.  Therefore, the total amount of green house gas emission can be reduced (Panelli,2014).  According to Pulse (2014), this material has superior strength and toughness, so passenger safety also will be improved.
                          Figure 1. Nano-structured Carbon (Panelli,2014)

2.  Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery 

     Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery is called as the next generation battery. It produces 30 to 40 percents more energy than current batteries.  Also, it is able to fully charge more quickly. This technology will be grafted onto the electronic car market. Once the electronic market is revitalizing, the green house gas can  be reduced, so  it eventually contributes to air pollution issue. The other benefit of Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery is that it has the ability to charge the energy from sun light. The various function of  Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery will provide a positive impact to the environment (Business insider Austraila, 2014)

                   Figure 2. Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery (Business insider Austraila,,2014)

     In conclusion, the reason of development and convenience, we have been neglected our environment. Many part of ecosystem already lost their own self- purification capacity and it is getting worse now. Fortunately, a number of new technologies are introduced for improve our environment and it has become the trend of new area. The coming new technologies will impact to our society eco- friendly life style.  


Billionaires Australia (2014). Emerging Technologies that will change your life. Retrieved from

Business insider Austraila (2014). Here are the top 10 emerging techologies for 2014. Retrieved from

Pulse(2014). Emerging Technologies 2014. Retrieved from

Sunday 19 October 2014

Module 4: Cultures & Technology

1. Historical Maori culture and life

      The ancestors of Maori are known that Polynesian people from south-east Asian. Some people said they came from China via Taiwan or even South America. According to oral tradition, they arrived at New Zealand by canoes before 1300 AD. They settled on near coasts and river mouths close at the early time. It was because those area were easy to do fishing and capture selfish.  To Maori people, fishing was sacred activity because they though the fishes were belong to Tangaroa who is the god of the sea. Thus, there were some rules when to fish. For example, fishermen were not allow to bring food while they are on fishing trip. 
Green flax were used for making nets and stone, wood and fish born used for making hooks. 
            Figure.1  Fishing hooks (The encyclopedia of New Zealand, 2014). 

     Also, ancestors of Maori hunt seals and moas. Then, some of them moved on the forest and started growing foods. One of the representative growing food was Kumara.   
                          Figure.2  Kumara plantation (The national library of  NZ, n.d.)

       The gods of the nature were very important to them and they have rich culture of spoken stories  (The encyclopedia of New Zealand, 2014).  It is closely relative to their culture and art. To Maori people carving was integral thing with their history, traditions, and religion.They believed all things have their own spirit and life force (New Zealand in history, 2014). 
                                          Figure.3  Maori caving in Taupo (fine tour NZ,2012)

       In conclusion, before Europeans came to New Zealand, Maori people lives were very traditional which living by hunting and gathering. They believed that they were a part of the nature and all things had spirits and lives. They respected others lives and kept the life style with their language and culture.

2. Modern Life of indigenous

        Nowadays, many indigenous are losing not only their power and even culture.  Although  Maori people are well mingled with modern life style, they also lost their own culture quite much. Modern society has changed their life very much. 
         Many people who are keeping their traditional life style work for cultural show for tourists. Young generations like western style of food and clothing as well. A number of people listen modern pop music especially hip-hop. Robust physique and warlike characteristic allowed them to participate in rough sports like rugby, on the other hand sometimes, they are pointed the fingers as violent people. It is true that  in New Zealand many crimes are involved in Maori people. The rate is about 50 % comparing other ethnicity. 

           Figure.4  NZ prison population (Stastic NZ,2012)

     Language is the one of the symbol of the culture. However, the language of Maori is threatened.  According to survey in 2006, only one in four Maori spoke their language. This is quite serious situation for them. A number of oped minded people are trying to revival their culture and language. There are around 20 Maori radio and TV stations have established. Also, a number of educational institutions and organizations are educating and enlightening their culture.  

                                   Figure.5  Maori TV News (Youtube,2013)

       There were indigenous in Australia called Aborigine. Like Maori, they were the owners of the land. However, after Europeans settled down in 1788, their life was changed very much. Many number of Aborigines were died due to wars and disease by European pioneers. After that the Aborigines lost their living bases and even the right (PALS,2014).
Comparing Maori, their lives was much worse.

  Figure.6  Aborigines (Tjapukai,n.d.)

      Although Maori people tend to live together in specific areas, they can live anywhere in New Zealand. They get the government subsidies regularly and the have other benefits such as fishing limitation. However, Aborigines have less opportunists to educate and medical support than non indigenous people. Alcohol, drugs, and sexual abuse makes the society getting worse. Most Aborigines are still live in remote place and they are not mixed with other race and cultures. Nowadays awareness are trying to maintain their culture and heritages. School, youth work , art,and tourism polices are crated for supporting indigenous people. They finally have their own flag and the Government and whole country tend to Aborigines as the one of their member (PALS,2014).       


Fine tour NZ. (2012). Retrieved from

National library of New Zealand. (n.d.) Retrieved from

New Zealand history. (2008). The Maori. Retrieved from

PALS.(2014). Aboriginal people today.  Retrieved from

Statics New Zealand. (2012). New Zealand's prison population.  Retrieved from

The encyclopedia of New Zealand. (2014). People and culture today. Retrieved from

Tjapukai aboriginal culture park. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday 5 October 2014

Module 3: Ethics of Food

      Nowadays, there are hundreds kinds of foods in the markets and customers can buy them easily and conveniently with cheap price.  Besides, as the global food trade are developed, it is able to buy the tropical fruits in the winter season. It is not a difficult thing to buy  meats or seafood which does not have in the local country. However, a lot of people do not know or not even interest how those foods are produced. Before those foods arrive to the shops as a product, there are such a long and tough procedures.  It requires many labors' effort and time. Moreover, some of fruits and meats are distributed to public with unethical way. 


     Banana is  one of the most global fruits nowadays. According to Lineback and Gritzner (2013), about 80 million ton of bananas are grown yearly, and around 80 percents of they are consumed locally. The other 20 percent of bananas are exported and those bananas are from Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colonbia and Philippines.  

Figure 1.Banana Producers in the world(Geography in the News,2013)

     Inside of this banana industry, there is a serious issue which is relative to an ethic. 
Firstly,there are five huge banana trade companies(Dole, Del Monte, Chiquita, Fyffes, and Noboa) in the world and this industry is controlled by them. The problem is that the price competition is getting stronger and each company goes on sale with extremely low price. It is good for customers but the people who work for banana planting and cropping earn very low wage. According to US Labor Education in the Americas Project (USLEAP, 2006), Unionized banana workers in Latin America can earn around $10 or more a day, but most non-union workers can make $3~$ 5 a day or less. They do not even have any benefit.

     In addition, some workers work really long hours. Banana is easily rot and damaged by pest and disease, so it required a lot of agriculturalist pesticides. However some workers work exposing chemical hazard by those pesticides.

     Furthermore, other problems such as children labors, gender discrimination are keep happened in the industry.

     It is good for customer to buy bananas with cheap price, however, it is not a right issues in terms of ethic. The banana workers have the right to receive normal wage like people works in other industry. Also, their working hours and working environment must be improved.  If the workers are not protected from better working condition, the industry will be collapse one day. To protect this industry and workers, customer also avoid buying cheap bananas from the five  companies. Instead of that customers should buy the bananas with fair trade marks, because these bananas are usually produced from small farms and try to follow the minimum standard of producing cost and workers wage.      Moreover, in 2009, Fair trade labeling Organizations(FLO) decided to increased  the Fair-trade minimum price of banana to help labor's live hood (FLO,2009).

2. Meat

     Chicken is the most common meat for people but because of that reason, their lives are such a piteous. Most poultry animals like chicken, turkey which are raised for meat live in small and narrow cases with their excrement and dust. Almost of male chicks are killed after hatch because they cannot produce eggs and their bodies are smaller than female chicks. To provide pecking each other all of alive chicks cut  their tip of beaks. Female chickens got special injection for increasing their bodies and some cannot walk well because of weight. Once the ability of producing egg is degraded, they are killed for meat. While they are killed by cutting their neck,they are fully conscious. It is hart to find any ethical supports for living animals (PETA,2013).

     Pigs and milk castles are  not much better than poultry. To produce milks, milks castles have to be pregnant constantly. After calf is birthed, they are immediately separated both mother and baby cows get a lot of stress. Breast pumps make the castles have breast disease. Before going to slaughter house, a number of cows and pigs are abused by humans. When they are killed, many of they have consciousness and dying with fear and pain (PETA,2013). Originally,they are raised as humans foods and they are killed anyway, however in terms of ethic, they should live in better living environment. 

Glass walls (RETA,2013)

     To raise cows and pigs, a huge amount of feed grains and water are consumed and because of their manure, water and air pollution is arsing as another issues (NRDC, 2013). To eat a piece of beef stake people may ignore the people are suffering from famine and polluted environment.  Although it is hard to stop eating meat directly, it is the to think about in ethically. 


Global Issues (2010). The Banana trade war. Retrieved from

USLEAP (2006). Banana workers justice and USLEAP. Retrieved from

Fairtrade International (2009). Fairtrade fight banana price war. Retrieved from

NRDC (2013). Facts about pollution from livestock farms. Retrieved from

Monday 8 September 2014


1. Societal trend

Obesity is no longer surprise issue in our society even though the number of over weight people are keep growing rapidly. Many international organizations and governments are keep informing and warning about obesity, but the symptoms has been globalized. 

Chart 1. Obesity and overweight persons by OECD country (Robb,2010)

Chart 1 shows that majority of countries have overweight problems. Except 4 countries, about half and more adults in other counties are overweight.  Mexico and United States(U.S) have the most overweight and obesity adults in this chart. Especially 34 percents of U.S adults are obesity which is very serious. On the other hand, Korea and Japan are lowest countries among OECD countries. * India, Indonesia, China, Brazil, Russia,Estonia, South Africa are not member of OECD *  

U.S, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom (U.K), Canada, and Ireland which 'English -speaking counties' are high ranked in this chart. It can be explained that similar culture and life style may influence to others.  U.K is the highest obesity country in Europe. New Zealand and Australia could get influence from U.K. Mexico which is the second highest obesity country is special case. Although language and culture are different from English-speaking countries, Mexico is adjoined to U.S, so they may influenced a lot foods and eating behavior from U.S.  Canada may have similar effect from U.S.

Third highest obesity country, New Zealand has a remarkable feature that obese people are concentrated on specific race.  Around 70 % of Pacific islanders are obese. This rate is twice more than European race and six times more than Asian people. It seems the life style and eating behavior of  various races reflects on this result. 

Chart 2. Proportion of population,15 years and over, who are obese (Statistics New Zealand,2014)

There are hundreds of TV shows and movies from U.S and it is very easy to see their life style. A number of fast-food, doughnut, and ice dream brands of U.S are advancing abroad. Normally these foods are high calories and containing huge amount of sugar or salt.  The other features of these foods are easy to take away and the price is cheap. Thus, these foods are everywhere and many people be tempted  easily. It means people living in other countries will have more opportunity to be obese like people in U.S. Chart 3 shows the future obesity rate.

Chart 3. Future obesity rate by OECD country (Robb,2010)
Every country will increase the number of obesity people in the future. In 2020, 75% people of U.S will be obese.  Even Korea which is the lowest will have around 35% of obesity in 2020.  

2. Impact the trend on society

Being obese brings a lot of bad effects to the human body. According to  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2013), overweight and obesity can cause various vessel diseases. High cholesterol in the blood vessel makes the vessel stiff and it causes damage on the surface of vessel. Fat in the cholesterol deposit onto the scar and eventually it narrows the vessel down.   

Chart 4 Coronary Artery Disease(CDC.2013)

It calls 'Coronary Artery Disease' (CAD). People who has CAD can have high blood pressure. Hypertension makes the heart to strain and it is very close to heart disease.

Not only CAD, obesity can brings other disease.  People who are overweight or obese have high risk for developing diabetes,cancers, stroke, liver and gallbladder disease, and sleeping breathing problems(CDC, 2013). 

In Korean, the number of people who are suffering from those disease are increasing rapidly. Chart 5 shows that  in 2013, about 1,288,000 of people visited hospital with  hyperlipidemia. Since 2008, the total patients number of hyperlipidemia has increased about twice. Many experts in Korea pointed the main reason for this trends is chaining life style and having lots of western foods.

 Chart 5. the number of hyperlipidemia in Korea (Yonhap news,2014)

Another serious impact from the obesity trend is childhood obesity. Every year the number of obese children is increasing fast. Even though many health and disease organizations, schools and governments try to reduce the rate of childhood obesity, it is not controlled in fact. This is one of our sad trends recently.  

Figure 1. Childhood obesity campaign poster (Hiskey, 2011)


Coronary artery disease. (2013). Retrieved from

Hiskey,M(2011). A scary situation - the rise of chilhood obesity in Geogia. Retrieved from

Obesity. (2014). Retrieved from

Robb, D (2010). World obesity stats - 2010 and beyond. Retrieved from

The health effects of overweight and obesity. (2013). Retrieved from

The number of hyperlipidemia in Korea. (2014). Retrieved from

Sunday 24 August 2014

Innovation of film

The invention of film

       Thomas Edison's employee William Kennedy Laurie Dickenson, created a machine which is capturing a sequence of imagines.  Based on this idea, Edison introduced two inventions to public in 1893. First invention was 'Kinetograph' which was kind of moving picture camera (Filmbug,2014). The other one was 'kinetoscope'. People could see moving images through the small hole of kinetoscope. Since the small hole, the machine was more suitable for private and individual (Jung, 2013).

Figure 1- Kinetoscope (Manley, 2011)

After introducing kinetoscope, a motion picture camera created by several inventors.

    Louis Lumiere was one of them and his machine 'Cinematographe' created in 1895, had three functions: portable motion picture camera, film progressing unit and projector.
28 of December in 1895, he introduced his invention to the public with 20 of short movies.
Comparing with kinetoscope, cinematogrphe was designed that a number of people could watch moving image (Jung, 2013).

Film projector

   Short after similar device as kinetoscope were introduced and further year, other device which  projecting moving image onto the screen was introduced.  'Vitascope' created by Edison's company allowed many people come to theater and watch the movie at the same time.

Figure 2 - Vitascope (Manley, 2011)

During 1896, movie was getting popular to the public and many projection machines were invented rapidly with new movies.  Eidelscope, Kinematograhe, Cinematographe, and Bioscope were invested this time (Manley, 2011).


      Until late 1920s, it was no sound on the movie because there was not any piratical method. Therefore, live musicians mobilized for extra sound effects and intertitles were used to dialogue and narration
In 1926, Warner Bros. Hollywood studio introduced "Vitaphone' and during 1927 they sussed to put dialogues and sings in the move 'The Jazz singer'.  After this movie released a number of other devices were introduced such as Fox Movietone,DeForest Phonofilm and so on. The development of sound in the movie finally brought new genres -musical film (Filmbug, 2014).

Social impact

Before movie were invented, people watch plays in the theater. Movies was new entertainment for people and it changed many things in the society.
Movie industry was born these period of time (late 1890s). By introducing Vitascope, theaters were opened and film makers kept create new movies. This new trend spared  U.S and Europe and people understood not only form of an art but also a form of profit. In 1896 many projectors were introduced by the demand of audiences and eventually more people had interested in movies. It even brought some bad effect such as quarrels and legal accusations (Manley, 2011).

Critical Thinking

The history of film was began with scientific invention. At the period time, people needed new entertainments and the interest of new inventions made the industry grew up rapidly. Introducing sound and editing technology made this as an art.   


Jung,H (2013). The history of movie technology, Korea, Communication books

Manley, B (2011). Moving pictures: The history of early Cinema. Retrieved form

Filmbug (2014). Movie history. Retrieved from