Sunday 19 October 2014

Module 4: Cultures & Technology

1. Historical Maori culture and life

      The ancestors of Maori are known that Polynesian people from south-east Asian. Some people said they came from China via Taiwan or even South America. According to oral tradition, they arrived at New Zealand by canoes before 1300 AD. They settled on near coasts and river mouths close at the early time. It was because those area were easy to do fishing and capture selfish.  To Maori people, fishing was sacred activity because they though the fishes were belong to Tangaroa who is the god of the sea. Thus, there were some rules when to fish. For example, fishermen were not allow to bring food while they are on fishing trip. 
Green flax were used for making nets and stone, wood and fish born used for making hooks. 
            Figure.1  Fishing hooks (The encyclopedia of New Zealand, 2014). 

     Also, ancestors of Maori hunt seals and moas. Then, some of them moved on the forest and started growing foods. One of the representative growing food was Kumara.   
                          Figure.2  Kumara plantation (The national library of  NZ, n.d.)

       The gods of the nature were very important to them and they have rich culture of spoken stories  (The encyclopedia of New Zealand, 2014).  It is closely relative to their culture and art. To Maori people carving was integral thing with their history, traditions, and religion.They believed all things have their own spirit and life force (New Zealand in history, 2014). 
                                          Figure.3  Maori caving in Taupo (fine tour NZ,2012)

       In conclusion, before Europeans came to New Zealand, Maori people lives were very traditional which living by hunting and gathering. They believed that they were a part of the nature and all things had spirits and lives. They respected others lives and kept the life style with their language and culture.

2. Modern Life of indigenous

        Nowadays, many indigenous are losing not only their power and even culture.  Although  Maori people are well mingled with modern life style, they also lost their own culture quite much. Modern society has changed their life very much. 
         Many people who are keeping their traditional life style work for cultural show for tourists. Young generations like western style of food and clothing as well. A number of people listen modern pop music especially hip-hop. Robust physique and warlike characteristic allowed them to participate in rough sports like rugby, on the other hand sometimes, they are pointed the fingers as violent people. It is true that  in New Zealand many crimes are involved in Maori people. The rate is about 50 % comparing other ethnicity. 

           Figure.4  NZ prison population (Stastic NZ,2012)

     Language is the one of the symbol of the culture. However, the language of Maori is threatened.  According to survey in 2006, only one in four Maori spoke their language. This is quite serious situation for them. A number of oped minded people are trying to revival their culture and language. There are around 20 Maori radio and TV stations have established. Also, a number of educational institutions and organizations are educating and enlightening their culture.  

                                   Figure.5  Maori TV News (Youtube,2013)

       There were indigenous in Australia called Aborigine. Like Maori, they were the owners of the land. However, after Europeans settled down in 1788, their life was changed very much. Many number of Aborigines were died due to wars and disease by European pioneers. After that the Aborigines lost their living bases and even the right (PALS,2014).
Comparing Maori, their lives was much worse.

  Figure.6  Aborigines (Tjapukai,n.d.)

      Although Maori people tend to live together in specific areas, they can live anywhere in New Zealand. They get the government subsidies regularly and the have other benefits such as fishing limitation. However, Aborigines have less opportunists to educate and medical support than non indigenous people. Alcohol, drugs, and sexual abuse makes the society getting worse. Most Aborigines are still live in remote place and they are not mixed with other race and cultures. Nowadays awareness are trying to maintain their culture and heritages. School, youth work , art,and tourism polices are crated for supporting indigenous people. They finally have their own flag and the Government and whole country tend to Aborigines as the one of their member (PALS,2014).       


Fine tour NZ. (2012). Retrieved from

National library of New Zealand. (n.d.) Retrieved from

New Zealand history. (2008). The Maori. Retrieved from

PALS.(2014). Aboriginal people today.  Retrieved from

Statics New Zealand. (2012). New Zealand's prison population.  Retrieved from

The encyclopedia of New Zealand. (2014). People and culture today. Retrieved from

Tjapukai aboriginal culture park. (n.d.). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Good post Tiger. Well researched but some places have missing in-text referencing. Comparison is done well too. You get 17/20.
