Monday 10 November 2014

Module 5: Emerging Technology

     The world has been developing and changing with new technologies. New technologies have been impacting to our society in various ways. Our live have been abundant, fast and easy.  However, new technologies do not give positive effects always. I believe the biggest victim for the new technologies are our environment. We could get a convenience and better lives with new technologies, while our environment have taken ill.  Fossil fuels are almost run out and  we are living in polluted air. Also, most countries are suffering from leak of drinking water.  Many species of animals and plants have been extinct or endanger at this moment.

      As the interest of the environment  has been increasing, eco-friendly technologies are becoming the biggest trend recently.

     The world Economic Forum has selected top 10 new technologies for the coming year, and few new technologies are relative with our environment.

1. Nano-structured Carbon Composites

     This technology and new material will be applied on vehicle manufacture to reduce the weight of cars. This technology can reduce 10 percents or even more than building with traditional materials. Light cars need less fuel and it also contributes to save energy resource.  Therefore, the total amount of green house gas emission can be reduced (Panelli,2014).  According to Pulse (2014), this material has superior strength and toughness, so passenger safety also will be improved.
                          Figure 1. Nano-structured Carbon (Panelli,2014)

2.  Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery 

     Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery is called as the next generation battery. It produces 30 to 40 percents more energy than current batteries.  Also, it is able to fully charge more quickly. This technology will be grafted onto the electronic car market. Once the electronic market is revitalizing, the green house gas can  be reduced, so  it eventually contributes to air pollution issue. The other benefit of Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery is that it has the ability to charge the energy from sun light. The various function of  Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery will provide a positive impact to the environment (Business insider Austraila, 2014)

                   Figure 2. Nanowire Lithium-ion Battery (Business insider Austraila,,2014)

     In conclusion, the reason of development and convenience, we have been neglected our environment. Many part of ecosystem already lost their own self- purification capacity and it is getting worse now. Fortunately, a number of new technologies are introduced for improve our environment and it has become the trend of new area. The coming new technologies will impact to our society eco- friendly life style.  


Billionaires Australia (2014). Emerging Technologies that will change your life. Retrieved from

Business insider Austraila (2014). Here are the top 10 emerging techologies for 2014. Retrieved from

Pulse(2014). Emerging Technologies 2014. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. A little on the superficial side buy definitely emerging tech. You get 14/20.
