Sunday 24 August 2014

Innovation of film

The invention of film

       Thomas Edison's employee William Kennedy Laurie Dickenson, created a machine which is capturing a sequence of imagines.  Based on this idea, Edison introduced two inventions to public in 1893. First invention was 'Kinetograph' which was kind of moving picture camera (Filmbug,2014). The other one was 'kinetoscope'. People could see moving images through the small hole of kinetoscope. Since the small hole, the machine was more suitable for private and individual (Jung, 2013).

Figure 1- Kinetoscope (Manley, 2011)

After introducing kinetoscope, a motion picture camera created by several inventors.

    Louis Lumiere was one of them and his machine 'Cinematographe' created in 1895, had three functions: portable motion picture camera, film progressing unit and projector.
28 of December in 1895, he introduced his invention to the public with 20 of short movies.
Comparing with kinetoscope, cinematogrphe was designed that a number of people could watch moving image (Jung, 2013).

Film projector

   Short after similar device as kinetoscope were introduced and further year, other device which  projecting moving image onto the screen was introduced.  'Vitascope' created by Edison's company allowed many people come to theater and watch the movie at the same time.

Figure 2 - Vitascope (Manley, 2011)

During 1896, movie was getting popular to the public and many projection machines were invented rapidly with new movies.  Eidelscope, Kinematograhe, Cinematographe, and Bioscope were invested this time (Manley, 2011).


      Until late 1920s, it was no sound on the movie because there was not any piratical method. Therefore, live musicians mobilized for extra sound effects and intertitles were used to dialogue and narration
In 1926, Warner Bros. Hollywood studio introduced "Vitaphone' and during 1927 they sussed to put dialogues and sings in the move 'The Jazz singer'.  After this movie released a number of other devices were introduced such as Fox Movietone,DeForest Phonofilm and so on. The development of sound in the movie finally brought new genres -musical film (Filmbug, 2014).

Social impact

Before movie were invented, people watch plays in the theater. Movies was new entertainment for people and it changed many things in the society.
Movie industry was born these period of time (late 1890s). By introducing Vitascope, theaters were opened and film makers kept create new movies. This new trend spared  U.S and Europe and people understood not only form of an art but also a form of profit. In 1896 many projectors were introduced by the demand of audiences and eventually more people had interested in movies. It even brought some bad effect such as quarrels and legal accusations (Manley, 2011).

Critical Thinking

The history of film was began with scientific invention. At the period time, people needed new entertainments and the interest of new inventions made the industry grew up rapidly. Introducing sound and editing technology made this as an art.   


Jung,H (2013). The history of movie technology, Korea, Communication books

Manley, B (2011). Moving pictures: The history of early Cinema. Retrieved form

Filmbug (2014). Movie history. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. What about the influence it had on television? And you haven't mentioned much on educational purposes, documentaries that have expanded people's horizons, awareness on issues, advertisements, commercial impacts? How is this impacting society today? The societal impacts are very weak and the history is pretty superficial as well. You get a 10/20.
